Rest is important.  Not only for our physical bodies but for our emotional and spiritual selves.  As moms we run hard during the school year.  It’s summer.  Most of the clubs, sports and obligations have dropped off our master schedule.  If you have been running at a hectic pace during the school year, now is a great time to schedule some mandatory rest for yourself!

First things first, catch up on sleep!  Next, consider your own health!  Are you getting adequate sleep, time out in the sun, plenty of water, a balanced diet, tending to your spiritual life, and a hobby of some sort?  If you answer no to any of those, you need to make adjustments!  Discuss these necessities with your spouse and enlist your family’s assistance.  In taking care of yourself both physically and emotionally, you aid in the overall health of the family.

It’s also time to reflect on what went well this year and what did not.  Reflect on the positives and feel gratitude.  Gratitude goes a long way!  Then, take some time and brainstorm ways to make the negatives better.  Ask for opinions and options from your spouse and older children in this endeavor after you’ve given it some thought yourself!

On the practical side, let’s talk about mess.  Summer is a great time to clear out the clutter in your creative work area.  Clutter is a proven stressor.  It’s hard on the eyes plus it gives you more to clean and take care of.  Now is a great time to get rid of the papers and other items that are not necessary.  Less is really more!

Many hands make light work!  Consider training your children to help with new tasks.   During this slow down in outside activities is just the right time to teach your little ones and get them on board with helping the household.  When the business of Fall sets in, you’ll be glad you did!

Rest doesn’t necessarily mean sleep or the absence of activity.  It can also mean slowing down in all aspects of life to give yourself time to catch your breath and to reflect on all your blessings.  Take some time to evaluate what isn’t working and make healthy changes.  You Mom are one of the most important factors in your homeschool!  Don’t forget that breaks are for you too!  Let’s all meet the goal of starting the Fall off refreshed, focused, and healthy!