Category: College-Bound

You can now move that tassel

Congratulations! How many of us have uttered that word this spring as we shook the hand of some well-deserving young person? High school graduation is ubiquitous. It happens all across the country; in small towns as well as in high schools as large as many small towns. For students, it’s a time to pause and bask in the attention before they turn their eyes toward the next phase of their life.

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When Dual Enrollment Doesn’t Work

It was an ideal my husband and I had held dearly to since the beginning of our homeschool journey. Dual Enrollment! A silly as it sounds, in our minds we already had our preschooler earning college credit. Then our little boy grew and blossomed into an intelligent, sharp minded, polite and pleasant young man.

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3 Steps for Spring of Junior Year

If you have a high school junior, listen up! College admission success often boils down to what you accomplish during junior year. It seems so early to begin thinking about college when your child is in 10th grade, but it’s the key to getting great scholarships.

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