This video offers time honored insight on how to choose curriculum from Janice Price of Rainbow Resource Center. Janice is a senior consultant for the homeschooling community and has helped thousands of homeschoolers navigate the windy roads of home education. Choosing Curriculum the FAMILY Way describes six key factors in choosing curriculum that meet the needs of the student, teacher, and family alike. This refreshing perspective on choosing curriculum creates a solid stepping stone for those venturing in to their own uncharted waters of educating their children.
About The Author
Janice Price
Since her twenty-year homeschooling career has been followed by ten years (and counting) as Rainbow’s homeschooling and product consultant, Janice Price considers homeschooling to be a way of life - a meaningful and purposeful way of life. She and Scott (her husband of 34 years) have three children, Rachel, Anna, and David - all homeschooled from kindergarten through high school graduation; all three now university graduates. As with many homeschooling moms, Janice has worn various related hats - coordinator of a new to homeschooling support group; educational consultant for Westbridge Academy (an umbrella school for home educated, gifted students); administrator of Peoria Co-operative Academy - a history-based unit study co-op and support school offering science labs, choirs, and classes on a variety of subjects; exhibit hall coordinator for the local home school convention. Janice has a B.A. from Phillips University and a M.Ed. from Idaho State University and before her wife, mom and homeschooling careers, worked in student personnel administration at three different universities.