Tag: vision

Homeschool Essentials: Vision

For those of us who homeschool it’s likely because of strong conviction to do so. When we first begin, we are all terribly excited and in full gear. But if we lose sight of the reason beyond what we are doing, when the bumps in the road come, the thought of quitting can be all too familiar territory.

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Keeping It Super Simple

We start homeschooling with a vision, don’t we? Maybe it isn’t exactly like the Do Re Me scene in Sound of Music but it’s probably veering in that direction. How many days? – hours? – minutes? does it take for us to recognize that our reality is going to look much different?

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A Philosophy of Education

Many times as new homeschoolers or even as not-so-new-homeschoolers we’re encouraged to develop a personal philosophy of home education. That sounds a little scary, doesn’t it? But really, all it means is that you’ve thought through some very basic factors that define your home school and that will impact your homeschooling curriculum choices.

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