Tag: teaching

The anxious learner

How do you handle your child when they freeze up during school? You might ask them a question about what you went over yesterday and they feel so put on the spot that they simply cannot think of the answer. Or you hand them a test and they hand it back to you empty saying they don’t know what to do, when you know for a fact they know the answers.

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A Lost Cause

I’ve been accused of being old-fashioned. No shame here, I’ll wear the title proudly. Of course, change happens and life goes on. Smartphones have replaced corded wall phones. Computers have replaced the card catalog and the GPS has eliminated the need for fold up maps neatly stacked in your glove compartment.

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How Does Your Husband Teach?

Us moms, we are different from our husbands in many ways, as it should be. Different tones of voice, different in stature, different in our mannerisms…..we bring different dynamics to the atmosphere of the home.

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