Tag: starting

Starting Your Homeschool: Mental Preparation

Often times when we read about what is necessary to begin homeschooling, much of the focus is on school supplies, school room set-up’s, curriculum choices and the like. While those things are important, I’d thought I’d approach this topic from the mental prep side. How can you mentally prepare for starting a homeschool?

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Ready, Set, Go?

Ready to start homeschooling your child…but still unsure? You have all of the books and workbooks. You have all of the supplies and even a cute little area set up to school in. You even have the date circled on your calendar.

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It’s a New School Year!

What do you get when you cross the month of September, moms, dads, kids, and new books? You guessed it – the beginning of a new school year (if you took the summer off). Aren’t you excited at the thought of new things and revisiting the subjects and topics you already know and love?

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