Tag: scripture

Encouraging verses for the weary mom

When our hearts get overwhelmed, it is easy to fall prey to the lie that we are alone. That every other homeschooling mom has it all together and we are simply missing the mark. It’s important in these times not to dwell on our shortcomings but to encourage ourselves in the Lord.

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A song in the night

It wasn’t the dark that she was afraid of. It was the monsters. In the dark. She was convinced they were there and nothing could change her mind. Her bedtime routine had never had complications before, until now. It took awhile, but she eventually outgrew this stage. After prayer, consoling, and giving it some time, she finally was able to have a peaceful night’s sleep.

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Scriptures for the homeschool mom

I take great care in planning our homeschool. However, my careful preparation to schedule our school work so that not one part of the year would flip-flop us face down failed. We were having those knock-down, drag out, mind-bending, head-twirling, stop-the-world I need my Jesus” kind of stress filled days.

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A Mom of the Word

Deuteronomy 6:5-7 – I would suspect that every homeschool mom has heard this verse referenced as THE homeschool motto or vision verse. While I wholeheartedly agree that this beautiful verse does have significant application to us as parents, I wonder if the busy mom reading this has struggled to apply this verse?

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