Tag: schedule

Why School Year Around?

This is a question many homeschoolers ponder at some point in their journey. As a year-around schooler, I can tell you there are definite rewards to adopting this schedule! Thinking about ditching your county’s school schedule? Here’s some reasons why it’s a good idea.

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Homeschooling Through the Holidays

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are drawing near and the excitement is growing. When you homeschool, that often means distracted kiddos and derailed lesson plans. Let’s face it, there is something about cold temps, warm fires, snow, and all things Christmas that can just pull at our attention. Not to mention decorations to put up and big feasts to plan, right?

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Our Holiday Homeschool Schedule

As the holidays are approaching, I begin to think about slowing down. I want to enjoy every single second of this amazing season. It seems so short and goes by so quickly. During this time of year I like to take some time off from our “normal” schooling schedule. I want my children to really understand the true meaning of Christmas and all Jesus did for us.

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Best laid plans

Now that many of us have at least a few weeks under our belt in our new school years, it is time to step back and take a look at what is working or not working. Ask yourself- is that the best way? Do I love this curriculum? Is this schedule still working for us?

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