Tag: routine

Forming good habits

This fall, we will be working on forming good habits in our homeschool. I am training my children to be functioning adults one day. I want them to be pleasant adults who are responsible and reliable. Each person has certain habits that they have formed over their lives. Brushing your teeth each morning and night, combing your hair, making a bed.

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Creating summer memories and beyond

For us, the heat of summer has begun. I catch myself looking back on the past couple of summers and somewhat lamenting. They haven’t been the awesomely fun filled, carefree, easy going stuff that dreams (or movies) are made of. I clearly remember last summer scrolling quickly through my social media newsfeeds that were filled with family and friends jet-setting here, there and everywhere.

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Morning Gathering Time for Older Children

Do you remember circle time in Preschool and Kindergarten? The daily time when the children and teacher (in this case mom) gather to go over the calendar, read books, recite the alphabet, and so on. I always admired moms who were able to fit this inviting time into their home school day. It’s funny how I always saw this morning time reserved for the little ones, but now I see the full benefits of reserving a special time for the older children.

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