Tag: priorities

What comes first?

As homeschool mamas, we have a ton of things pulling us in different directions. At times, we feel stressed, we feel overwhelmed, we feel inadequate, just like anyone else doing whatever work it is they do all day. So, what do you do to handle it all?

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Teaching from rest

Homeschool families are the busiest people I know. The homeschool community stays on the go and keeps their kids busy. I believe it has to do with “socializing” their children because society says they must be. There is nothing wrong with being busy and going here and there but I don’t feel called to do that. My calling is at home and being content with my surroundings.

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Push the toy

Running a household is a full-time labor of love that never, ever ends. Someone will always need help, food will always need preparation, something will always require more cleaning… but don’t forget what’s most important: the people.

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Choosing The Good Portion

Are you choosing the “good portion” in your homeschool? Are you doing the “one thing” that is necessary? So many things distract us from God. A busy schedule, a never-ending to-do list, children who misbehave, too much to do in our homeschool each day.

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