Tag: plan

Teacher Reboot: Retreat! [Part 2]

Are you driving full force into your school year? Don’t take the GPS approach! Hit the brakes, stop “at the side of the road” and look back! Why look back when you want to move forward? Well, how do you know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been?

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A Clean Slate

The school buses are practicing their routes, teachers are busy attending teacher work days, and school supplies are flying off the shelves faster than they can be restocked! A rejuvenating feeling is in the air. Excitement abounds as a new school year is about to begin.

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Keeping It Super Simple

We start homeschooling with a vision, don’t we? Maybe it isn’t exactly like the Do Re Me scene in Sound of Music but it’s probably veering in that direction. How many days? – hours? – minutes? does it take for us to recognize that our reality is going to look much different?

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