Tag: philosophy

Keeping Dad in Our Homeschooling

For most homeschooling families I know, it’s the mama who’s in the day-to-day trenches, juggling homeschooling with housework and diaper changes and attitude adjustments–sometimes the kids’ and sometimes her own. Here are the ways my husband is involved in our homeschool.

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Why Do We Homeschool?

Why do we home school? This is a very interesting question that you should ask yourself, and then ask your children. Yes, ask your children. Why? Because they’ll speak to the heart of why you truly home school, or at least what you vocalize as your reason for homeschooling.

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Philosophies of Education

The best piece of advice I ever received at the beginning of my homeschooling journey was to decide my philosophy of education before buying a single curriculum item. That has proven to be incredibly helpful (and money saving like you wouldn’t believe) because there is a veritable smorgasbord of curriculum out there.

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Homeschool Essentials: Vision

For those of us who homeschool it’s likely because of strong conviction to do so. When we first begin, we are all terribly excited and in full gear. But if we lose sight of the reason beyond what we are doing, when the bumps in the road come, the thought of quitting can be all too familiar territory.

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