Tag: organization

Organizing your homeschool

Much like laundry, homeschool curriculum and supplies tend to multiply and take over space. Left unchecked, this “menace” can creep into your kitchen, dining room and has even been known to take over a bedroom or two. Here are some tips to tame the mess.

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Preserving Picasso

The first time your child runs up to you, crayon-drawn picture in hand and declares, “mom, I made this for you,” doesn’t your heart just melt? Here are a few tips for keeping, displaying, and cherishing these masterpieces for years to come.

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Last minute tips for homeschool planning

It’s Back to School season right now, even among homeschoolers. For as flexible as we claim to be, most of us follow a more traditional school year–myself included. So what if we aren’t quite ready to start and are feeling like there are loose ends we still need to tend to? Here is a quick list of things that can be done relatively easily to help homeschooling get off to a good start and continue to flow well.

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My homeschool portfolio

Whether you choose to do standardized testing or a portfolio, it’s always a good thing to keep good records for the future. Even if your state doesn’t require any kind of proof of progress each year, it is such a great thing to do so you can see where you child was and where they are now academically.

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The day I purged all the toys

Toys! Lots and lots of toys! We have three boys and the toys just add up. When birthdays and Christmases roll around the grandparents love giving gifts. Their gifts are great and the kids love everything they get. But, the toys pile up and they end up getting bored with having so much.

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