Tag: nature study

Embracing Fall

I remember my very first year of homeschooling. I was so nervous, yet excited to start this new venture. In September and October, the weather was gorgeous and I took advantage of my kids being home to explore the outdoors. In fact, we spent a lot of time outside.

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Studying Fall While Enjoying Every Minute

Fall is my favorite season. The colors, the weather, the smell, the beauty. It is also my favorite season to study with my children. There are so many avenues of study and it feels like it goes by so quickly. So here I will give you some tips on how to study fall while also enjoying every single minute.

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Bird Study – Part 1

One of my favorite finds was Thornton Burgess’, The Bird Book For Children. At first glance, it appeared extremely overwhelming. I decided to try it. I figured I would share a large amount of information and hope that they would grasp what they could. And they have!

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Bird Watching

When you think of nature studies, do you picture outdoors nature walks, catching critters and enjoying the simplicity of being outdoors? Depending on where you live, as the autumn and winter season approach, you may be putting the nature study on hold until the spring time. I want to encourage you to consider continuing nature studies throughout the year.

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