Tag: money

Raising Young Entrepreneurs

This summer, I treated my kids to a paddleboat ride. I knew they loved it but what I didn’t know was that my nine year old had so much fun that he was setting aside some of his hard earned cash to pay to do it again. So where did he get his money? We don’t do allowances. I’m not entirely opposed to the idea, there certain are benefits and lessons kids can learn through them, we just don’t do it.

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Exploring Economics

Like the other homeschool-friendly curricula published by the Notgrass family, Exploring Economics provides careful integration of biblical study and worldview with broad-based coverage of the topic – this time, economics.

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Homeschooling on a Budget

The average family will spend $500 per child for homeschooling materials, and while this is significantly less than the typical cost per child in the public school system ($10,000+/year), individual families may be on either end of this spectrum.

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A Philosophy of Education

Many times as new homeschoolers or even as not-so-new-homeschoolers we’re encouraged to develop a personal philosophy of home education. That sounds a little scary, doesn’t it? But really, all it means is that you’ve thought through some very basic factors that define your home school and that will impact your homeschooling curriculum choices.

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