Tag: learning styles

Don’t Rush The Early Years

After reading several books, hearing different speakers, and talking to some homeschool friends, I came to the conclusion that more is not necessarily better. Doing cursive handwriting at four years old does not make my child any smarter than if he learns at nine years old.

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How to Choose the Right Curriculum

Curriculum can be expensive. Before you take the plunge and purchase, it is good to know what you are getting into. Choosing the right curriculum that fits both you and your child can be a daunting task. Here are two important questions to ask yourself before buying curriculum for the school year.

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Learning Styles: One Size Does Not Fit All!

I can remember in my early days of homeschooling, talking to a veteran Homeschool mom about a phonics curriculum I had just purchased. I boasted that I would be able to use it for each subsequent child. She smiled sweetly, put her hand on my arm and told me gently, “It may not work for your other children. One size does not fit all!”

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