Tag: goals

School​’s out by noon?

I had just come away from using public school for our daughters when we began our journey as homeschoolers. School was from 9 am to 3:30 pm, and then there was another hour or two of homework that had to be done–even in kindergarten. So when I heard all the talk about being finished with all homeschooling instruction by noon, that sounded great!

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Taking Inventory

In our home schools, we need to have a periodic assessment time. I’m not talking about counting the number of crayons or pencils you have. I’m talking about taking a good, hard look at what you’ve accomplished, how well you’re progressing toward your goals, and what your next steps will be.

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Embracing Freedom in Your Home School

If you are just starting out on your home schooling journey, it may be quite overwhelming right now. There are plenty of opinions telling you to do things one way or another. There are just so many things that want to stake claim on your time, but there is one thing that you need to know that you have that tops all the others and that thing is FREEDOM.

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