Tag: gardening

Switching Up Your Summer School

What’s the best part of being a classroom teacher? June, July and August. So goes the old joke about teaching. There are many homeschoolers who follow the public school schedule from August-ish to May-something, but there are also those who school year round.

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Itchin’ to Grow…

In central Illinois, our local farmers have been busy planting with their tractors and equipment. Around our office you hear talk of trying new vegetables and there are more than a couple seed catalogs in the lunchroom. It seems everyone is “itchin’ to grow” something, and planting season is a perfect time to take advantage of a learning opportunity with your children.

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Family Gardening

Summer’s end is fast approaching! If you have a garden, chances are that you’re enjoying a bountiful harvest by now. Have you ever considered how your garden could not only nourish your family’s bodies, but also their character? Heather shares how her family has done this.

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