Tag: english

Language Arts – a Lovely Tapestry

It’s not surprising we feel overwhelmed by language arts curriculum. We talk about the core subjects and we tend to say “language arts” and to some extent we all know what is meant by that. But take a quick look at our website or our catalog and all of a sudden the waters seem much muddier.

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Help! My Child Hates Writing!

The assignment: Write three to five sentences about a pet. Pencil in hand and paper on the kitchen table my seven year old just freezes. He adores his cat and would share entertaining stories about it with us throughout the day, but when it came to putting it down on paper, he refused.

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6 Mistakes We Make Teaching Reluctant Writers

When I was 7, I wrote a story that my mom liked so well, she submitted it to Cricket magazine for publication. Yes, I received my first rejection letter in second grade! But that memory lingered with me and gave me a false impression of what’s “normal” for second grade!

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Reluctant Writers

You know if you have one. You can’t coax ’em out of the closet when it’s writing time. They’d rather eat fried worms than put pencil to paper. And why is it that there are few things we moms worry about more (academically speaking) than this little thing we call writing?

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6 Ways to Boost A Child’s Language

I have been taught that children’s language falls to the least common denominator when in a group. If you’ve ever helped with junior high youth activities, you know this. Children (and adults, actually) build language through using the language and they use the language they are most exposed to consistently.

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