Tag: education

Are you qualified to homeschool?

Some states require homeschooling parents to have a high school diploma or GED, but many states have no educational qualifications for homeschool parents. If some people we encounter knew that this was the minimal amount of education legally needed to homeschool, they might roll their eyes and think homeschooled children are merely sliding by with the bare minimum.

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Keeping Travel Educational

Taking a roadtrip to visit Grandma doesn’t mean you have to put your child’s education on hold. Of course if you are a teacher at heart then you look for teaching opportunities in everyday situations anyways. You don’t stop being your child’s teacher when you walk out the door of your home. Whether it’s a short day trip or a week long excursion, you can {and probably already do!} keep your children engaged as you travel.

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The Education of the Founding Fathers

I’ve been thinking lately about what is essential in education, and in honor of Independence Day, thought it might be interesting to take a look at the education of America’s founding fathers. What did they read that created minds attuned to freedom and the communication skills to impart the vision?

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