Tag: difficulty

Helping Your Children in Their Valleys

Bickering, quarrelling and competition. I would love to say that we don’t deal with these issues in our homeschool – but I would be lying. When I think of other homeschoolers I imagine that these don’t exist for them, ever. Sometimes I can get to the place where I am tempted to believe that I am the only one.

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When Sickness Abounds

There are many seasons to homeschooling. Some are academic, some are developmental, but some involve health. Sometimes the health of a child. But, sometimes it’s the health of our spouse or even ourselves.

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When Life Goes Awry

In my mind, my homeschool is a beautiful tapestry. Instead, home school days can seem more of a raveled mess of interruptions: there is an elderly parent to care for; a child is sick; there are financial concerns; and there are just not enough hours in the day.

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Homeschooling is Not Easy

Too often homeschoolers overemphasise that anyone can homeschool, which is true, however in our enthusiasm we underplay the work involved in homeschooling, and I think this sets new homeschoolers up with unrealistic expectations, that could lead them to put their children back in school.

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