Tag: composition

Help! My Child Hates Writing!

The assignment: Write three to five sentences about a pet. Pencil in hand and paper on the kitchen table my seven year old just freezes. He adores his cat and would share entertaining stories about it with us throughout the day, but when it came to putting it down on paper, he refused.

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Jump In Writing Program

What do you do when your children are in middle school, looking towards their more intensive high school years, and they already loathe writing? Don’t worry – it’s not too late to turn ‘em around and prepare them for high school writing.

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Stack the Deck Writing Program

To “stack the deck” is to arrange the deck of cards in your favor prior to the beginning of play – making it much easier to win the game. Translate that into a series of composition textbooks, and you can see the advantage of having someone “stack the deck” of English writing and composition skills in the student’s favor.

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