Tag: college prep

3 Steps for Spring of Junior Year

If you have a high school junior, listen up! College admission success often boils down to what you accomplish during junior year. It seems so early to begin thinking about college when your child is in 10th grade, but it’s the key to getting great scholarships.

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How to Win a Scholarship Competition

You’ve done a great job educating your kids. They have all the required classes, great grades, excellent test scores, and wonderful letters of recommendation. You have kept complete and accurate homeschool records. That means your child might be invited to a scholarship competition.

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All About the PSAT

Curious about the PSAT and the benefits it can have for your college-bound teen? Hear all about it from someone who’s been there: Gina Burmeier is a homeschool mom whose son successfuly approached the PSAT.

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Entering the High School Zone

Does the idea of homeschooling a high school student strike fear deep into your heart? Or maybe you’re “in the trenches” of homeschooling high school and looking for direction. Homeschool consultant Deanne Crawford gives you a road map for navigating high school in these practical videos.

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A New Beginning

For freaked out and terrified parents, I offer support. Let me explain high school in the simplest terms so you can enter the next stage confidently. There are five stages of homeschooling high school. To be honest, you only need to pay attention to the first two, because you have plenty of time to learn about the others later on.

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Taming Middle School Anxiety

Many homeschool parents feel anxious about middle school. Often this comes from their memories about that time in their own lives. Before we started homeschooling, my husband and I were considering homeschooling only the middle school years, just because we remembered it being so difficult.

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