Tag: Christianity

Encouraging verses for the weary mom

When our hearts get overwhelmed, it is easy to fall prey to the lie that we are alone. That every other homeschooling mom has it all together and we are simply missing the mark. It’s important in these times not to dwell on our shortcomings but to encourage ourselves in the Lord.

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Choosing The Good Portion

Are you choosing the “good portion” in your homeschool? Are you doing the “one thing” that is necessary? So many things distract us from God. A busy schedule, a never-ending to-do list, children who misbehave, too much to do in our homeschool each day.

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A Spirit-Filled Homeschool

Home. It can mean lots of things to everyone. For me, it means love, peace, safety, refuge, and learning. Since my family does just about everything at home, it is important to keep my home filled with Godly things. I especially want our homeschool to be pleasing to God.

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Taking time to recharge

In the hustle and bustle of homeschooling, it’s easy for moms to forget about their relationship with God. It’s necessary that we take time everyday to get into his presence and be filled with His Holy Spirit in order to minister to our families. And also to take time away from the pressures of life to be fully immersed and recharged in His presence.

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