In thirteen study pages this book covers digestion, the circulatory system, bones and muscles, the brain, the senses, growing and healing.

Most topics are presented on facing pages, with a combination of large and small cartoonish illustrations (all captioned), and flaps integrated on most of them. On the spread about the brain, much of the spread is devoted to a large illustrated flap with the brain, covered with small cartoons of what the different parts of the brain are responsible for. When you lift the main flap, you see an example of what happens when your body sends your brain a message, complete with numbered steps and a line to trace with your finger. The edges of the pages are filled with small illustrated flaps that introduce other facts about the brain: how it is made up of two halves, how the skull protects the brain, how much the brain weighs, etc. To add to the fun, many of these flaps are “nested” with additional flaps hiding underneath with even more information, and occasionally other pull-tabs and pop-ups incorporated as well. Little hands and eyes will find lots to explore here.

Buy Your Body – Look Inside Board Book