When it comes to cleaning and organizing your home, keep it simple so kids can easily help out. This colorful, laminated flip chart uses clear illustrations and check boxes so children know exactly what is expected of them.

When they are finished, they flip the page, a reward in itself! The zones include living room, kitchen, bedroom and bathroom. Each zone has steps to follow and check off, but also a place to write in specific chores to be done each day.

In the living room, step 1 is “pick up.” Graphics show a laundry basket and items like shoes, books, & dishes with an arrow to place these items in the basket. This is helpful for children too young to read. A check box says to Grab a basket or plastic tub. Put items that do not belong in the living room in the basket. Step 2 Return items to their proper place in the house. Step 3 Tidy up. Neatly arrange items in the living room. Step 4 Day of the week job. Mon. vacuum Tues. dust Wed. wash off fingerprints Thurs. Vacuum Fri. dust. Step 5 daily job (that you customize to your home/family).

When the chores are done, you check the box and flip the page. Boom! Done! Easy peasy! A 15 minute instructional DVD will clarify any questions you may have, but really, it is well laid out and easy to follow.


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