Math is one of those subjects that, even in homeschooling circles, gets a bad rap. I’m sure we’ve all heard the homeschooling mom declare that Math just isn’t her thing so she outsources it in some way: online program, co-op, tutorial, etc. Let me be the first to say that outsourcing isn’t bad! Math can truly be daunting, especially if it was something we struggled with as a child.

On the other hand, let’s say you’re okay with teaching Math (maybe you even love it!) but your child not only doesn’t share your enthusiasm, he or she doesn’t even see the point in the subject as a whole. It feels that no matter what, you can’t get him to engage and enjoy even just a little bit of the process.

So here’s the thing: I’m right there with you! I have a child who is progressing in Math and is handling the concepts. . .but he just doesn’t enjoy it! Guess what?! I’ve come to terms with that and here’s why: during our Math sessions, he’s learning way more than Math. He’s learning a life skill: doing something diligently, that must be done, even when he doesn’t enjoy it.

Do you see the freedom there? Sure, we as homeschooling mothers want to know that our children love whatever we spread before them. However, the truth is they won’t love everything on the table, and that’s okay. This is very much a reality of life–having to do something worth doing that we may not necessarily enjoy. Explain this truth to your children. Impress upon them that this is a needed life skill, supplying your own experiences (ahem, like mama cleaning the bathrooms!). Remind your children what the Scriptures say about diligence and perseverance and how patience is a fruit of the Spirit.

I am not saying to just hold on to curriculum that clearly isn’t a good fit or struggling your way through teaching something without asking for help. However, before we conclude that the curriculum isn’t working or that we aren’t equipped to teach our children simply because they aren’t enjoying it, we may need to pause and reassess. Is curriculum solely about enjoyment? Is your child learning even though it isn’t their favorite? It could be time for a life lesson rather than a switch!

Please note that this post could pertain to any school subject; math just happens to be it for my family!