As homeschooling gains more and more acceptance, especially in the pandemic age, there are still those skeptics that can’t understand why anyone would choose to homeschool. However, what they fail to understand is the many benefits of homeschooling. From flexibility to finishing early, it’s easy to understand why homeschooling is so popular!

Since more children and teenagers than ever before are being educated in the home, it stands to reason that the benefits strongly outweigh any disadvantages! Modern families seek flexibility, unique opportunities for learning, and safety that homeschooling gives.

Reasons for Homeschooling Include:

Parental choice. Parents are in charge of scheduling, curriculum, and grade level placement. Given this flexibility, homeschooling can thrive no matter the child’s temperament. The learning is geared to the child and not the child to the curriculum.

Meeting the needs of the child. Parents choose to homeschool their children to meet their unique needs. And that also includes those seasons that warrant extra emotional, mental, behavioral, or physical health. This is especially true for special needs children. No one knows your child better than you!

Time for the good stuff. Since there’s no busywork, there’s time for play, exploring the outdoors, field trips, and real-life experiences. 

Positive environment.  Hands down, the family atmosphere is the best foundation for healthy social development, beliefs, and values.

Giving back. Because learning takes place in an efficient and nurturing environment without busywork, There’s more than enough time for you and your children to get involved in the community through service and volunteering.

Safety. With the rise of violence in society and schools, learning at home is the perfect way to ensure your family stays out of harm’s way.

No testing just to test. Foster a love for learning, and your children will never want to stop. Homeschooling means skipping teaching directly to standardized tests and destroying a child’s willingness to learn. Besides, we know that no child is “standard.” Each child is unique and needs to learn in a way that fits their needs best.   

Accommodating to particular situations.  Homeschooling works well for special cases like chronic illnesses and military families.

Though each family has its own reasons, homeschooling is a great way to train up a child!

What is your reason for homeschooling?

Check out these homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!