We all know that God gives us gifts not to keep to ourselves but to share with others.  In this way not only do we bless others, but we ultimately share the love of God.  When we keep our gifts to ourselves, we loose out in sharing the gifts that God has given us.  Essentially we hide our lights.

The term “give back” is a big buzz word these days.  What exactly does that mean?  I believe it means to use what God has blessed you with and share it with those in need.  Especially with those that don’t know Him.

No act of service is too small to be a blessing!  You don’t need to have a degree or lots of certifications either.  All that is necessary is a willing heart.  Whether it’s yard work for the elderly, being a mother’s helper, teaching others about the “lost skills” like cooking, sewing, minor repairs and the like.  These all show the love of Christ and can open doors of communicating His love to the lost.  Plus it goes a long was to prevent an individual from allowing their light to stay hidden.

In the early days, It may be a difficult or tiring to begin this practice with your children. However, as with most skills, the more you do it, the less dependent on you they become and the more of a ‘norm’ it is for them to take an active role in blessing others.  By the time they are teens, many of this volunteer sharing should be second nature.

Where to begin? Start with your neighbors.  See a need?  Enlist your children to help you as you help them!  Pull weeds, wash dishes, watch children, bake cookies, the list can be endless!

Nursing homes are a great place to inquire about their needs.  Perhaps you have a teen that could read to a resident, play board games, or entertain with a few songs on the piano or guitar.

Smaller schools that welcome volunteers is also anther option.   It doesn’t take much to sit and listen to a child as they read or help quiz them on their math facts.  How about sharing a special hobby at a community center?  Starting a chess club or teaching a language that you are proficient in?

Just as the need for Christians to reflect Jesus is great so are the opportunities to show His love to others.  All that is needed is a willing heart on the parent’s part to teach their children to “give back” within small opportunities that avail themselves.  Who knows, you may be planting the seed that will blossom into a future ministry for your child!