In sharing my top 10 tips to getting a new homeschool year rolling today, I hope that you will remember that nobody can replace you as the teacher. And that while some of my tips apply to our kids, a lot of it is shared to encourage you to keep on plugging along because I am here to tell you that in the end it’s WORTH every bit of effort each year!

1. Make time for the teacher, not just mom.

We get a lot of encouragement to make time for ourselves as mom though we don’t always follow the advice. I am guilty too, but I have always taken time each year to polish up my teacher skills.

It is easier, we think at the time, to turn the teaching reins over to somebody else either through a co-op or on-line class. When in fact if we do that, we may be bringing more stress to our year. Taking time to hone your skills as the teacher will help you to choose more carefully any extra “help” you think you may need. Look at the bottom of this post for books I read that set me on fire when I teach.

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