Celebrate the light shinning

After you’ve lit the candles each night, place the hanukiah in your window where the lights can clearly be seen from the outside. The bible says in Matthew 5:14, that we are the light of the world, and a city on a hill cannot be hidden!   Displaying your hanukiah is an easy way to let your light shine.  This is a testimony of the Lord’s calling on your life.  So share that light with those around you!

Celebrate the fun

No celebration is complete without some games!  For this one, you will need a dreidel.  A dreidel is like a spinning top with four sides. On each side is a Hebrew letter: Nun, Gimmel, Hey, or Shin. These letters are an abbreviation for the phrase, “a great miracle happened there.”

To play the game, have players sit in a circle and give each person an equal amount of candy or coins. Each player begins the turn by placing something into the center of the circle. Then each player takes a turn spinning the dreidel. Each side of the dreidel tells the player whether they are to put in or take something from the center. If the dredel lands on a Gimmel, the player gets all the items in the center. If it lands on a Hey, the player gets half of it. If it lands on a Shin, that player has to put a coin or candy into the center. And if it lands on a Nun, nothing happens and it the next player’s turn. Play continues until someone has all the candy or coins.

Celebrate the food

We can’t leave out the food!  Enjoy some traditional Hanukkah foods including deep-fried jelly doughnuts (sufganiyot) , and fried potato pancakes (latkes).  Fried foods are eaten during Hanukkah in remembrance of the miracle of the oil burning for eight days. Other foods such as dreidel and hanukiah shaped cookies are also served.  It’s also customary to invite your friends and family over for these celebrations.  This is yet another way to show the awesomeness of God and share His love with those around you!

Celebrate the happiness

It goes without saying, Hanukkah is a time to praise God and be thankful!  The Bible says in Deuteronomy 33:29, “Happy are you, O Israel! Who is like you, a people saved by the Lord”

However you choose to celebrate, don’t forget to praise the Lord for all the miracles He’s done in your life.


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