I had been eyeing this one curriculum for about six months. I waited and saved up for it. I waited some more and finally purchased it. It came in the mail and I “ooed” and “ahhed” over it for weeks. But then the excitement ran out. It wasn’t what I expected. It was a lot more work than my children are capable of doing. But, I had purchased it and I was going to fight through it. Yup, fight. I felt defeated.

About two months ago I started looking at a different curriculum for next year. Yes, I was already planning for next year because I was dreading this year so bad. The one I purchased is an amazing program. But it didn’t feel right for us. So, I kept researching until I found one that spoke to my heart.

I fell in love with the biblically sound and beautiful curriculum. I looked up reviews. I asked friends about it. I asked strangers about it. I truly felt like I had found my people when I found this program. But, I had already spent my budget on something else. Guess what? It was nonrefundable. It was also partly online and non transferable. Oh my heart just ached!

But, God made a way. I spoke with my husband about my situation. I talked with a very close friend as well. They both agreed that I should try to sell some books and older curriculum online in order to pay for what I really want. That’s what I have been doing for the past week. I’ve been gathering books I don’t use or need (I have a TON of books that are really good). I have taken pictures. Posted them online. Messaged people back and forth until my fingers hurt. Was it worth it?

Yes it was. I have enough to pay for half of the new curriculum and my husband said we could just pay the rest and it would be fine. He said as long as I am at peace and happy, that’s all that matters. Folks, the new program is a much better fit for my family. Christ is at the center and it’s beautifully put together and written. I feel like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

It’s last minute for us as I had planned to start school on September 3rd. We do go all summer, but I was going to start all new material that day. The books won’t arrive until maybe the 3rd or some time that week. I am very okay with that. Typically I would be very anxious and nervous about when it would arrive. Not this time. I know this is God telling me I have made the right decision. Even my children are happy about it.

The thing to remember is, you aren’t stuck with what you buy as far as homeschool curriculum. You can change if something doesn’t work for your children or it isn’t the right fit for your family. I have come to believe that it isn’t worth it to fight and push through something just because you spent money on it. I understand a budget too. We don’t have a lot of money to waste. But, I am doing my best to sell what I have to make room for what I want and what is best for my family.

Things may not always go as you had planned but it’s never too late to make changes and do something different. There is so much out there to explore. Pray about it. Read the Bible. Seek wise counsel and God will lead you in the right direction. I thought I had made the right decision before but I had never actually prayed about it. I was doing my own will and not God’s will. That’s why I have complete peace now.

Whatever you choose to go with for educating your children, seek God first. He will direct your path and give you peace about what needs to be done. Happy Homeschooling everyone!