People automatically assume homeschool moms are the most patient people on the planet. After all, it takes a saint or at least the patience of a saint to homeschool, right? Many would be surprised that that belief is far from the truth!

So, what do you do when your patience quota is running low?

Over the years, I’ve learned some tips on what to do when my patience quota is running low.


  1. A lot. Often. Homeschooling does take a lot of time and effort. So, if you aren’t charged up with God’s grace, it’ll deplete you emotionally and steal your joy!
  2. Take your personality and habits into consideration. If you aren’t a morning person, don’t start your homeschooling at 8:00 am! Are you a planner or spontaneous? Mold your homeschool accordingly.
  3. Know your children. What time of the day are they at their best? Any dietary issues? What are their learning styles? If you don’t know the answers to these questions, spending some time getting to know the kind of learning your offspring are will go a long way to successful days!
  4. Let go of expectations. Homeschool learning isn’t going to be perfect. Accept that each day will hold its own ups and downs. Enjoy the journey!
  5. Don’t let your home bring you down. Home management is an area that most women struggle with, no matter if they are working or at home. Don’t lose heart because with a little planning and scheduling, managing the home well is within your reach!
  6. Don’t forget yourself! As with prayer, don’t let your own tank run on fumes! Ensure you are eating nutritiously, getting enough sleep and movement, engaging with friends, and enjoying a hobby. Schedule time for just you into your week.

There is no absolute formula for being a patient homeschool mom. A little pausing of your day and making sure your own tank is filled up will go a long way to homeschooling with patience.

Check out the fabulous homeschooling resources at Rainbow Resource Center!