2020 has been anything but predictable! Who would have thought most of the world would shut down, schools closed, and learning moved online. For some children, virtual school has worked well. For others, it has been a disaster. When making the choice to go totally virtual, or add in some virtual classes to your child’s schedule, here are some important things to consider.

Consider the age and maturity of the child. The more mature the child, the better the virtual schooling outcome will be. If your child needs constant supervision and attention while they are learning, or is not able to sit still and absorb information, online learning may not be the best choice at this time. If you must go virtual or are set on online learning, limiting the number of online classes would be appropriate at this stage.

Want to mix up your learning methods? Online learning can be fun, engaging, and exciting while offering a respite to traditional learning. Again, measure this with the maturity of the child. With all the fun and flash online learning can offer, it is important to keep an eye on what they are retaining. It is a good idea to check their comprehension and what they are really absorbing. If they are flipping screens, passing tests, and quizzes, but can’t remember the key points of the lesson, you may want to rethink this virtual option.

One area that isn’t often discussed is the overall harmony of the house versus online learning. The more screen time children have, generally the less tolerant they are of others, namely their siblings. If you noticed that there is an increase of fighting after introducing more online learning, you may want to scale back their online classes in support of traditional learning.

Admittedly, there are seasons when it is very appealing or even necessary to sit your student down in front of the computer for their schooling. Even if it’s to help lighten your instructional load or just have some peace and quiet. While this method may work for some, this mode of learning will not fit every child. With every approach, it’s up to the parents to evaluate whether or not this is a help or a hindrance to their homeschool environment and the harmony of the home.

What are your best tips in dealing with online learning?

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