As the Olympic Winter Games began, I found myself completely in awe of the athletes who have secured a spot on the Olympic teams. Their dedication, determination, desire and sheer motivation are impressive to the say the least…but not only impressive, but also a bit intimidating. Often times, I wonder… Do I have the same dedication and determination to my children and our homeschool?

Is their success my greatest desire and motivation? While it is easy to say yes, my children’s success in life is my greatest desire, could I honestly say, does my life reflect the dedication and determination necessary for their success?

As I look back on my homeschooling journey, I often find that the times my dedication and determination waned were the times when I felt adrift. Have you ever felt like this? Like the days are passing you by with goals and plans unmet? Or have you felt like you were being tossed to and fro, without a lifeline? Let’s be honest, many times we start our homeschool journey eagerly, but quickly come to feel like we need someone to come alongside us to spur us on. Did you know that God created us to need one another? While our spouse may be our number one encourager and supporter, sometimes we simply need another homeschool mom to walk alongside us in our journey. Walking together we can learn from one another, listen to one another’s concerns and most importantly pray for one another.

Immersed in the Olympics the past few weeks, I was encouraged by this quote from skiing legend and International Olympic Committee Chairman, Jean Claude Killy. He stated, “The best and fastest way to learn a sport is to watch and imitate a champion.” I am by no means a champion; in fact, my homeschool journey could easily be summed up by ABC Wide World of Sports tagline of decades ago, “The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat.” Yes, my homeschool life encompassed both the thrill of victory and at times the agony of defeat…but a true Champion, a Champion Homeschool Mom, gets back on her feet, refocuses and moves forward. Did you realize Mr. Killy, whether or intentionally or not, expressed a biblical thought in his statement? In 1 Corinthians 11:1 (NKJV) Paul writes, “Imitate me, as I also imitate Christ.” Looking to one another as champion over-comers in this journey, should lead us to look ultimately to Christ. He is our example, our model.

Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing some “Things I wish I’d known then” – a retrospective look at my sixteen years of homeschooling, choices made and what God taught me through them. I invite you to join me, and not just join me, but also to come alongside and share your stories, your choices, and especially your prayer needs—together we can experience Olympic Homeschooling!

Blessings to you and your family,
