When I was growing up I only knew a few people who were homeschooled. My cousin was an only child and her mom homeschooled her all the way from kindergarten through high school. It was neat to watch her grow in her education alongside her mom. I thought it was cool but not for me.

Then, my older sister (I have five siblings and I am number two) had to be homeschooled for her last three years of high school. My mom did a program where you ordered all the materials and they came in the mail. You had to send in tests and workbooks through the mail to be graded as well. So, it wasn’t “true” homeschooling but she was home and was being educated.

I am actually the only one of all my siblings to graduate from a public high school. The rest of them graduated from homeschool. Guess what? I am the only one who homeschools all her kids too. I think it’s hilarious that God chose me (who knows nothing about the experience of homeschooling) to educate my children from home.

When my husband and I were dating, we didn’t really discuss the education of our future children. He has one sibling (an older sister) who homeschools all eight of her children. Her kids range in age from upper 20s to five years old. She has been doing this for a long while. She always talked about how much she loved it and I listened and took it all in.

After I had our first son we started really thinking about his future education. The more I saw what was happening in the public school system, the more I knew I didn’t want to send my children there. My husband and I prayed for a few years about what to do. When we had our second son, it became clear that God wanted us to homeschool our children. He gave us complete peace about it and actually opened many doors for us.

When I first started researching how to do this thing called homeschooling, I discovered there was more information than any one brain can possibly comprehend. So, I asked a veteran homeschool mom…my husband’s sister. She showed me what she does. She gave me advice. She walked me through how to get started. The ball was rolling. All I had to do now was choose a curriculum. Ha!

That didn’t come so easily. The first curriculum I chose was a boxed curriculum that cost a lot of money. Nothing was particularly wrong with that curriculum, it just wasn’t a good fit for my family. So I sold it to someone who would love it for a fair price. I was lost for a few months because I really wanted that curriculum to work. I was devastated.

But, I put the Internet to good use and started researching homeschooling styles. You know, Charlotte Mason, Eclectic, Classical, etc. I decided to go the classical route. It wasn’t bad, but the curriculum and co-op were very expensive. So, I decided to venture out on my own.

We still use some of the classical curriculum that I had already bought but I add other things in the mix. I LOVE Charlotte Mason style homeschooling. We do nature walks and studies, we study art, we go slow with math. I mean, the woman was a genius (in my opinion anyway). I wish I could have personal conversations with her, but the books she has written will have to do.

I also like workbooks. So, I would have to say we are Classical/Charlotte Mason/Delight-Directed homeschoolers. Basically, I do what works for my kids. It’s all about the individualized education and not a cookie cutter solution.

It’s hard some days but we enjoy what we do so it ends up fun in the end. We read TONS of books and my kids have a love for learning. That is my number two goal in homeschooling. My number one goal is for them to know God and make Him known.

No matter which style of homeschooling your family is, just enjoy the journey. Instill a love for learning in your children by doing what works for them and have fun along the way. God brought me to this place and He has never once left my side. He won’t leave yours either. You can do this!