We’ve been homeschooling for 12 years now. I have now officially schooled every age and grade from birth through graduation. There are pros and cons to each age and stage, but from where I’m sitting, I am of the opinion that homeschooling teens is easier than homeschooling little ones.

Why? Because…

They are becoming independent learners.

All those homeschooling years leading up to middle and high school are very mom-intensive. Let’s face it, most kids don’t learn to read and write on their own. (I know some of you have kids who learned to read with minimal input from you. I hope you realize how blessed you are, says the mom on the other end of the spectrum who taught two dyslexics.)

When you hit middle and high school, it gets so. much. easier. With kids who are reading to learn, rather than learning to read, and who are ready to start taking responsibility for their own learning, you get to move from teacher to facilitator.

Read the Full Article on Weird, Unsocialized Homeschoolers