If you’re new to homeschooling, then it’s possible that fears, doubts and questions are still swirling around in your mind. Ok. Even if you’ve been doing this for some time, you still aren’t immune to the occasional mental struggle.

What about socialization?
Can I really teach my kids to read?
Am I educated enough?
Is this right for my child?

Not to mention the subtle (or not so subtle) hints, questions or accusations from concerned onlookers. Whether you’re being hit internally, externally or from all sides, remember the famous words of Corrie Ten Boom:

“If you look at the world you’ll be distressed. If you look within you’ll be depressed. If you look at God you’ll be at rest.”

The psalmist David also had a boldness and confidence about him. He knew where his help came from when opposition surrounded him.

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth”
(Psalm 121:1-2 KJV).

Challenges will come along at some point in your homeschooling endeavors. Guaranteed. When they do, try to take the focus off the challenges themselves and remember why you started homeschooling in the first place! Remember the benefits; the perks!

Here’s a list of some of fun perks that I enjoy about homeschooling! Yours are probably different, but you get the idea…



We Don’t Have To Go “Back to School” Shopping

Do you know how much money I save each year since I don’t have to buy piles of supplies or clothes, required on some list? I just buy what I need, as I need it.

Lunchtime Conversation

Spending time with my kids during lunch is precious to me. For some reason, something special happens during this meal. Their little minds have already been stimulated from what they’ve learned in the morning and now they are re-energising themselves to learn more. Some of the most interesting questions have arisen during this time of day. Oftentimes the conversations will turn educational, once in awhile spiritual and other times it’s just flat out hilarious.

Family Field Trips

Our public schools don’t allow you to take younger siblings with you if you, the parent, want to accompany your child on a field trip. Even our homeschool group recently had a hard time scheduling a tour at our local zoo. They didn’t know how to fit us in since all of their programs are age specific and babies and toddlers weren’t allowed in the classes. Our family enjoys taking field trips together, actually, we thrive on it! It creates memories that are both entertaining and educational. It draws us together as a family. Homeschooling gives us the flexibility to plan field trips that will accommodate our whole family.

Witnessing Important Milestones

The main one that comes to mind is reading. There is that moment in every child’s life when it just “clicks” and they begin to read. I love witnessing this “moment” in my children’s lives. I am currently seeing my third child begin to read simple sentences. It never gets old. I love being a part of this moment!

Sibling Interaction

When in a school setting, children are segregated by age. In homeschooling, they are forced to be with their siblings throughout the day. This can be stressful at times, since issues will come up that will need to be addressed. Don’t let this frustrate you, in the end it will be worth it. I often remind my children, “Friends may come and go, but you will always be your brother’s brother or your sister’s sister!” Strengthening these ties now will cause much less heartache in the future!


What Do You Enjoy Most About Homeschooling?

Comment below!