By the time spring arrives, many home school moms are often looking forward to the next school year. The reason varies for each individual; for some the year hasn’t gone as planned while for others they are anticipating the start of something new. No matter the reasoning for wanting to bypass the last few of months of the current year, I want to encourage you not to rush through your present moments in hope of something better, but instead to find the joy in the now.

Springtime Homeschooling

1. Stay Focused

This first suggestion may be obvious, but it is included anyway. Stay focused, and don’t jump ahead. We are a year round home schooling family. We start our new year on the first Monday in August. If I were to focus on the end of the year as soon as spring arrives in March, it would make the next three or so months miserable instead I choose to focus on the things that are currently happening such as enjoying nature and my daughters appreciation for her new spelling curriculum.

2. Think It Through

Determine the reason for wanting the year to be over. Often our desire to end something is a result of something else. Is it because the work is becoming mundane? Is the work too challenging or not challenging enough and causing behavioral issues in your learning environment? Do you all have cabin fever? Take a moment to pinpoint the issue for wanting to launch ahead to another season. I have found when I take the time to determine the reason for being discontent it is easier to get back refocused to finish the current race.

3. Make Some Changes

Find of a remedy for the issue. Get creative and make the changes that are needed to lighten the mood in your home school. If the work is too challenging, slow down and free yourself from the pressure to complete it in the current year if it isn’t achievable. Can I be honest? We never complete an entire year of math curriculum yet my daughters are still prepared to move on to the next course. Home schooling offers tons of freedom and ways to manipulate your plans to make learning a fit for your children and your family as a whole.

4. Go For It!

Incorporate change now. Who says you have to wait until the year ends to mix things up? If something isn’t working, you can change it now. If you do choose to implement changes, I would recommend writing out a plan which would probably look more like a list of the changes you would like to make. We have found mixing up our curriculum keeps the fire going in our home. There are some things we work through for completion while there other subjects I allow room for change using different materials to achieve the same goals like for math. We use a variety of material which is why I am not concerned about completing the entire standard curriculum we purchase.

Springtime Homeschooling

Remember home education should be somewhat enjoyable so when it isn’t take a moment to reevaluate. Taking the time to be reflective and adjustable helps keep the desire to look ahead or across the field at someone else’s grass at bay.

Check out Rainbow Resource Center for a variety of learning supplements to bring a dose of fun to your learning environment.