Hanging around our office, we have papers posted that state, “All you can do is all you can do, and that is all you can do!” Words of wisdom from a customer one day on the phone—words to take to heart! When we need that moment of direction and encouragement during our homeschooling journey, these words speak volumes of truth. Embarking on a lifestyle journey—and homeschooling is a way of life—means an action plan is always necessary. An action plan helps give you direction, keep you focused, hold you accountable, and bring you back on mission. But where is this helpful action plan? Well, reader, it is something you are going to develop specifically for you and your family!


The FAMILY Way we developed consists of 6 traits that help equip you in your action plan. This is not a hard and fast rule for your homeschool, but a place to start. There are two guiding principles to a Homeschooling Action Plan.

  1. The Internal Guides are your non-negotiables—the areas, criteria, and philosophies you will not compromise on when it comes to educating your children.
  2. The External Guides are more flexible and can change from season to season in life. Things like, your personal time and availability. What information do you need from a program? How are others around you impacting your homeschool?

Remember you are developing a plan for YOU. Not the trending social media homeschooler, not your best friend, not even the way you were homeschooled, but what works for YOU is how you must plan for your students.

Follow Through

As your identity as a homeschooler takes shape, are you equipped to follow through on this plan you are developing? The best preparation for following through is your level of self-awareness. Do you prioritize? Are you a list maker (with the satisfying need to check things off)? Are you easily overwhelmed? Do you wake up in the morning ready to take on the world? Identifying the steps you need to take and setting those short- and long-term goals greases the gears and helps the plan run more smoothly. Make your “I Am…” statement, not as a guilt trip, but as a conquering battle cry as you dig deep to find the avenues of follow through. I am a procrastinating list-maker, who frequently runs out of spoons. The more I know about myself, the more I can get ahead of myself to succeed.


When we learn more about ourselves, we can also identify the level of support that we need. Some are superheroes; they can do all things and be all things to their students all on their own. Some understand the gift of delegating and outsourcing those areas of weakness or stress. Some are very capable of this balance between the two. Make yourself aware of the local groups. Is there a mom’s group for homeschoolers? A co-op that offers classes your students can take with other students? – this takes a subject or two off your plate. Are there sports teams, clubs, or community organizations to fulfill your students’ interests? Does someone in your local community offer apprenticeship opportunities for your older students? Identify the level of support you need from others and make your needs known.

All You Can Do

You are not an island in the world of homeschooling. Yes, you decided to set your children’s education apart from the norm, but this does not mean isolation. You have people on your side, in the trenches with you.

The Curriculum Consultant Team at Rainbow is always here for you. We are your champions as you navigate the roads of homeschooling. We are your sounding board, your curriculum GPS. We are available M- F, 8:30-5 CST via phone, Live Chat, or email.

We look forward to walking with you on this homeschooling journey! ~ Rebecca