Do you feel overwhelmed by all the subjects that you have to or want to teach in your homeschool?  Maybe you’re asking yourself, “Is there a way to simplify and combine subjects in order increase learning without overloading student and parent?”

Fortunately, there is!

While there are many ways to approach this type of learning, I have found the easiest  is to start with  history.  Choose the time period first, then build off of this.  For example, say you want to teach Ancient History. Choose your history spine and maps that corresponds with the geographic areas you’re studying such as Egypt, the Fertile Crescent, or Ancient Greece.

From here, you can branch off into language arts.  Choose historical fiction literature that matches the time period and reading level of the student for interdependent readers.  For family read alouds, you can choose any level.  Add in creative writing assignments to mirror those of either the literature reading or read alouds from that time period.  You may also decide for older students to make their writing assignments from the history readings. For younger students, handwriting can also be graded off of these assignments.

In recent years there’s also been the addition of science curricula that mirror the historical timeline.  This is a great way to integrate science seamlessly into your homeschool and make it memorable and educational.

For fine arts, you have the option of adding art and music from the historical time period you are studying. Learn about different artists and musicians and  attempt their creative style.  This rounds out a multi-faceted learning experience!

By combining subjects and making learning more integrative you are able to easily incorporate various ages and abilities into your homeschool.  Have fun with this style of learning and  breath a little easier with the help of combining subjects.