Rainbow Resource has a large presence at homeschool conventions nationwide. When you walk into the convention hall, you may spy the big blue sign from across the room. But what will you find beneath the Rainbow?

Rainbow Resource at Homeschool Conventions

The first thing you notice is the tables and racks, which are full of a variety of products. You will find everything from curriculum to pencils and paper, and all types of items in between. There are items to teach the subjects, and items (games, toys, etc.) to enhance your subjects. Rainbow Resource Center has long been trusted to fulfill your homeschool needs. Homeschool conventions allow the opportunity to pick up products, open the books, and see them firsthand. The large variety available at the conventions allows you to make informed decisions by comparing curriculum and deciding which one is the best fit for you. However, we offer a few services “beyond the books” to aid you in your homeschool journey.

Maybe you still have questions – that’s where the consultants come in. Gina, Deanne, Sara, or Donna can be found at the booth for every convention! We are there to answer your questions about the products, but also there to answer homeschooling questions – whether you’re a newbie or a veteran. As a new homeschool parent, you may not understand why there are so many writing programs, or the differences between the three different Primary Math curricula, or maybe you just need someone to answer general homeschooling questions. As a veteran homeschool parent, you might be entering the uncharted waters of high school or you now have a younger student who learns differently from your older students. It might just help to speak with someone who looks at curriculum everyday and can look at your situation from a different perspective. Our ministry is to help in whatever way we can – so don’t hesitate to look us up!

Homeschool Consultants

Another service offered by Rainbow Resource Center is helpful workshops. These aren’t workshops to sell you something; these are workshops to help answer your curriculum questions, overcome a bump in the homeschool journey, or just to freshen up your routine. We offer workshops on a variety of topics, and will be presenting at several conventions this year. Look for such options as Math Rx, Science Unsnarled, or Unit Study P.R.O. We always include helpful handouts which are intended as a takeaway tool to aid you long after the workshop has ended. Hint: we’ve even been known to have a few freebies at our workshops.

Maybe you can’t make it to the convention or to our workshops.

You can view the workshops online at the home page of our website or go directly here on Our Homeschool Forum to watch them. This is a great collection of video workshops we have done over the last several years, along with several new ones coming this year. The handouts can be printed out right there with the workshop. Get some of the extra help you need right from the comfort of your own home.

A couple of other perks at the Rainbow Resource Center booth are that we offer free shipping on anything not available at the show (no matter how small or large the order), and we have a drawing at every convention for one or two customers to be reimbursed for their purchase. What’s not to love about shopping in the Rainbow booth!

Rainbow Resource Center wants to be there for you – whether at conventions with products, answering your questions in person or giving you a concentrated amount of information and help at a workshop. We are the pot of homeschool gold at the end of the Rainbow! Check to see if we will be at a convention near you!