If anyone can relate to homeschoolers, it’s homeschoolers. From comedy to drama to complete curriculum sets, the following homeschoolers have used their talents to benefit and encourage the homeschooling community.

Blimey Cow: Created by two homeschooled brothers, this YouTube channel is geared towards teenagers and twenty-somethings but I’ll admit that even this middle-aged mom gets a kick out of it once in awhile. They share on many different subjects but since they were in fact home schooled, their homeschooling experiences are shared in a humorous fashion.

Broken Lens Productions: One aspect about homeschooling that I appreciate is that you don’t have to age-segregate when it comes to learning. Siblings work alongside one another helping each other and learning from one another. The videos on this Youtube channel are an excellent example of how siblings within a wide age range can work well together.

TBE Studios: Movies and short films written and directed by thirteen-year-old homeschooler, Audrey Hope. Most of the characters in her films include homeschoolers in her area. Her most recent show is now streaming it’s first episode on Amazon Video.

Shatterpoint Entertainment: Created by homeschoolers, for homeschoolers, these Lego videos are fun and have an educational and biblical message.

Notgrass History: This family of homeschool veterans decided to use their knowledge to created their very own history curriculum that is enjoyed by homeschoolers worldwide.

Awesome Science: These DVD’s were created by a homeschooling family to provide fun and entertaining videos promoting creation using famous landmarks such as the Grand Canyon and Mt. St. Helen’s. These videos are fast paced, informative and presented by young, Noah.

Ready Made Preschool: After finding it stressful to give her preschoolers a quality preschool education while homeschooling older students, this mom created ready made kits to help parents in the same predicament.