Reading is a huge part of our homeschool. There are lots of days that consist of only reading books. It is my favorite part of homeschooling. My children have a love for reading as well. Since I have a nice sized home library, we choose books from our own shelves before going to the library. We do try to visit our local library at least once a month for additional books we are interested in reading.

Since Christmas is so close, I wanted to share a list of our favorite Christmas books. As a side note, we don’t do Santa Clause, so no books listed here will include the jolly old man in the red suit. If you incorporate Santa, there are tons of books available. The books on my list are mainly about the story of Jesus and a Christmas filled with His Presence.

  1. The Stars Came Out at Christmas by William Boniface (a counting book)
  2. God Gave Us Christmas by Lisa Tawn Bergren (love this series of books)
  3. Humphrey’s First Christmas by Carol Heyer (LOVE this book)
  4. The Crippled Lamb by Max Lucado (a very special book)
  5. Egermeier’s The Christmas Story
  6. The Animal’s Christmas Eve (a Little Golden Book)
  7. Star of Wonder by Leena Lane and Elena Baboni
  8. B is for Bethlehem by Isabel Wilner (A Christmas Alphabet book)
  9. The Angel Tree by Helena Clare Pittman and Jo Ellen McAllister Stammen
  10. Where Jesus Slept by Norma Lewis (my kids love this one)
  11. The Stable Where Jesus Was Born by Rhonda Gowler Greene
  12. One Night in Bethlehem by Tim Wesemann
  13. This Is The Stable by Cynthia Cotten (another really good one)
  14. The Story of the Nativity by Anna Milbourne and Alessandra Roberti (an Usborne book)

This is just to get your started. You can find tons more Christmas books at Rainbow Resource Center. Enjoy your holidays!