Having a morning basket has changed my homeschool tremendously. There are so many ways to implement a morning basket.

What is a morning basket?

It is a basket of books and resources that you sit and read through with your children first thing in the morning. That is the simplest way to put it. Further research can lead you to thousands of resources that will overwhelm you completely. This series of articles is meant to simplify the process of choosing what to put in your basket.

Why add a morning basket to your routine?

I have noticed a significant difference in our mornings because of the morning basket. It is more relaxed and organized. The children know exactly what to expect and I know exactly what will be accomplished. Sometimes it will be the only thing accomplished because of a busy day. It has caused my family to slow down in the morning and take time to be with one another.

What to put in a morning basket?

Starting with the most important part of the day: Bible time. I have used a few different curriculum and resources over the years and have found that I keep coming back to the same ones. Keep in mind that I have all younger children (from 3 to 8 years old). If you have older children then your basket will look different than mine.

  1. Who is God? (And Can I Really Know Him?) – There are 10 lessons in this book and there is a coloring book and a notebooking journal included in this set (sold separately). It is a great Bible study book that gives children a solid foundation in God.
  2. Jesus Storybook Bible – I love this children’s Bible. It brings the Word of God to life for small children and the pictures are beautifully illustrated. Reading passages from this Bible is easy and the children can participate as well.
  3. Leading Little Ones To God – I love this book. I have read through it a few times with my children and they get more and more out of it each time. It is a five minute devotional-style book that helps children dig deeper into subjects such as sin, salvation, and prayer.

There are so many different ways to implement Bible time into your morning basket. Research what will work for your family first. Sometimes it takes trial and error to figure out if something works or not. Please come back for the next installment in the morning basket series, “Hymn Study”.