Have you ever been there? Are you there now? You are doing your best to juggle all that is in your life, but the balls are dropping constantly. This can be a defeating place to be, and at some point, all moms have felt like this, especially the homeschool mom. I once went to a ladies’ conference and in a QA session asked this question, “How does a stay at home mom who is homeschooling her 4 kids and is helping her husband in the ministry keep a good balance?” The answer was a room wide groan! I felt alone trying to figure out how to sink or swim and I wanted to swim! Here are some thoughts about how to not just survive but to thrive during this time of life.

  • Remember that this is just a season. I know, it doesn’t seem like it now, but you only have your children for such a small part of their lives. A wise woman told me to only juggle what is in this season and postpone other things for the next season. For example, if an opportunity comes your way that would add another ball to the juggling act, first ask yourself, “Is this something I could do again at a later time in life? We can’t put off raising our children, homeschooling, and caring for our home, but some opportunities could be momentarily turned down. Life is happier when you simplify and decide what you must do and focus all your attention on those areas. It’s ok to say, “not at this time in my life.” Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should!
  • Don’t fall into the comparison competition. Nothing will zap your joy more than comparing your family to another’s. What works for one family may not work for yours. Learn to be happy for others and avoid relationships that tear people down. All men are our teachers, and we can learn a lot from each other if we aren’t busy competing and comparing.
  • Do your best and hang the rest! God gave you your children and the opportunity to train them. You aren’t going to be perfect, but you are perfect for the job God has given you. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, talk to an older, wiser woman who has been in your shoes. They honestly make the greatest friends and cheerleaders, even more so than a peer.
  • Your attitude is a little thing that does make a big difference. Go into your “job” with an “I get to” attitude instead of “I have to.” I call it flipside thinking. There is almost always a positive way to approach any situation. Practice and model to your children how to keep your joy through the ups and downs in life. “The joy of the Lord is my strength.” Nehemiah 8:10
  • Rest your soul. Be careful to not output more than you input. Fill up your tank so you can keep on keeping on. It’s not selfish, it’s wise. Carve out time in the morning, evening, or during nap time. This time will change while your children grow. “Keep thy heart with all diligence: for out of it are the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23

Please, if you are finding yourself in this time of life, call and talk to myself or one of the consultants (M-F, 8:30-5PM CT). We are here not only for curriculum questions, but also as a support to you as you journey this beautiful road of homeschooling. We’d love to be an encouragement to you! ~ Amber