It’s the month of love!  Here are some great ideas on how to show the kid or kids in your life that you love them in a special way in your homeschool!

Write notes on heart shaped paper telling them the reasons why you’re grateful they’re your child.  Leave the notes where they can find them on their own.

Write a letter to your child and mail it.

Break out of the routine and go somewhere fun, just because!  It doesn’t have to be anywhere with a pricey admission, the park or playground can be just as fun.

Tell funny jokes and listen to theirs.  Laugh!

And while you somewhere fun, don’t forget to play with them.  Be present!  Throw a ball, swing on a swing, race your child down the slides.  Leave the phone on mute and just be present and listening!

Always be ready with an encouraging word.

If you aren’t doing so already, read to them!  Read books on topics that interest them or try some living books.

Tell them stories from their childhood and yours.

Fix their favorite meal.  Whether it’s PBJ or chicken on the grill, served with their favorite dessert will be a hit!

Let them be chef for a day.

Push back the bedtime just a bit to snuggle or read.

Take them on a date.  Let them pick the place to have one on one time with just you.

Say “yes” to things that are usually “no”.  For one day, play with Playdoh or glitter, build that blanket fort, and play outside in the rain.

Let them explain one of their favorite games or shows.  Take time to really listen and understand why they like it so much.

Give abundant hugs and kisses.

Sing with them.

Help them learn something new.

While February is the “month of love”, we can show our children they are loved everyday.  What are some ways you show love with your offspring?

Check out the wonderful learning resources at Rainbow Resource Center!