Moms of many know that time is a precious commodity! So many things to do in a seemingly short amount of time, plus take care of ourselves. That’s a lot! But what’s a busy mom to do to keep from becoming overloaded and overwhelmed?


Here are a few tips that have helped me over the years:

First and foremost, take care of yourself! Do you know the analogy of the oxygen masks dropping from overhead on a decompressed airplane? Take that image literally! Put on your oxygen mask first. Make sure you are eating, sleeping, and nourishing yourself first. Your family will thank you in the long run!

Simple is best. Don’t worry about what the Jones’ are doing or how their house looks. Simplify wherever and whenever you can! Get your children on board with chores and do what you can to maintain a clean but sane space!

Have a goal in mind each day. Give yourself grace and know that you can’t do it all. Strive to do the most important thing(s) and save the rest for another day.

Consider the once-a-month cooking method or batch cooking and freezing to help prevent mealtime meltdowns, less than nutritious meals, and drive-through fast-food purchases.

Keep your home clutter-free. Clutter adds stress by making it more difficult to find things and find an item’s proper home. Instead, make a regular habit of going through and sorting problem areas. Then, nip the “stuff” bug in the bud before you have a significant time-consuming issue on your hands!

Schedule regular time off throughout the year. Sometimes seeing an upcoming break on the calendar is just the push needed to keep running the good race! In addition, periods of rest are necessary to keep households healthy both mentally and physically.

Don’t panic if you find yourself too busy to enjoy field trips and outings during the school year! Instead, save school and holiday breaks to partake in the running here and there for fun!

Break big jobs into small chunks that can be delegated out or worked on for a few minutes over a couple of days. Doing this will make the task more manageable.

God’s word says in Isaiah 40:31, “but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” I hope this list of tips will help you run and not grow weary! Do you have any suggestions to help make the most of your time?


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