It is no secret that our family has traveled some rough roads in the past. I am not in the secret business and tend to bear my heart in my blog. But let’s face it, rough roads and hurt are not unique to our family. The Bible tells us that in this life we are going to have troubles.

It is just part of our sinful world. Sometimes those troubles are self inflicted and other times not, but regardless, they are very often painful and life altering.

A job loss.

A death.

An unexpected move.

An ended relationship.

An illness.

Regardless, we can be rocked to our very core and have to fight to recover. Praise God we have friends and family that help in that fight, that stick by our side to comfort us, love us, and affirm us.

But here is where we get stuck sometimes. We look to people for healing and here is what they tell us- “time heals all wounds.” I have probably been guilty of even saying it once or twice. But I have also had the opportunity to really meditate on it lately. Here is what I have found.

Yes, with time, things may get a little less painful or a little more bearable or even a little more manageable. But healed? Nope.


So then what?

Here is what I found in my search for answers to the then what…

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.” – Psalm 34:18

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” – Psalm 147:3

Imagine that- the Bible had the answers I was seeking! 😉

You see, time does NOT heal all wounds.

God does!

If you are hurting, I would encourage you to not look to time, but to look to God instead. Only He can heal. In His time and His way.

Until then, we trust and hope in Him.