Whether it’s the change in the weather, the humdrum days of every day school, or if you are just questioning the decision to homeschool, I am hoping by sharing 3 causes and cures for the homeschool blues that you will be rejuvenated and inspired to put the spark back into your day.

Look at these 3 causes and cures for the homeschool blues:

Cause: Feeling Unproductive. Have you ever had one of those days where you poured out every ounce of teacher know how into teaching your kids math or maybe sight words for the past few months only to have them act like they have never received any instruction before?

Of course, it always seemed to happen to me when the Mr. was interrogating questioning the boys about our “productive” day. In the beginning of our homeschool journey, the Mr. was like a lot of new homeschooling dads and that is they want to see instant results. The frustrating thing is that I too wanted to see homeschool progress.

Read the Full Article on Tina’s Dynamic Homeschool Plus